Uses of Interface

Packages that use Converter
nl.openedge.baritus The main classes of Baritus.  
nl.openedge.baritus.converters Converters that are used for population.  

Uses of Converter in nl.openedge.baritus

Methods in nl.openedge.baritus that return Converter
 Converter ConverterRegistry.lookup(java.lang.Class clazz)
          Look up and return any registered Converter for the specified destination class.
 Converter ConverterRegistry.lookup(java.lang.Class clazz, java.util.Locale locale)
          Look up and return any registered Converter for the specified destination class and locale.

Methods in nl.openedge.baritus with parameters of type Converter
 void ConverterRegistry.register(Converter converter, java.lang.Class clazz)
          Register a custom Converter for the specified destination Class, replacing any previously registered Converter.

Uses of Converter in nl.openedge.baritus.converters

Subinterfaces of Converter in nl.openedge.baritus.converters
 interface LocaleConverter
          General purpose data type converter.

Classes in nl.openedge.baritus.converters that implement Converter
 class BaseLocaleConverter
          base class for localized converters
 class BooleanConverter
          Converter implementation that converts an incoming String into a java.lang.Boolean object, throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
 class ByteConverter
          Converter implementation that converts an incoming String into a java.lang.Byte object, throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
 class ByteLocaleConverter
          localized byte converter
 class CharacterConverter
          Converter implementation that converts an incoming String into a java.lang.Character object, throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
 class DateLocaleConverter
          Standard LocaleConverter implementation that converts an incoming locale-sensitive String into a java.util.Date object, optionally using a default value or throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
 class DecimalLocaleConverter
          Modified LocaleConverter implementation for this framework
 class DoubleConverter
          Converter implementation that converts an incoming String into a java.lang.Double object, throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
 class DoubleLocaleConverter
          locale aware converter for doubles
 class FloatConverter
          Converter implementation that converts an incoming String into a java.lang.Float object, throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
 class FloatLocaleConverter
          localized float converter
 class IntegerConverter
          Converter implementation that converts an incoming String into a java.lang.Integer object, throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
 class LongConverter
          Standard Converter implementation that converts an incoming String into a java.lang.Long object, optionally using a default value or throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
 class LongLocaleConverter
          localized long converter
 class NoopConverter
          Converter that does nothing at all!
 class ShortConverter
          Converter implementation that converts an incoming String into a java.lang.Short object, throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
 class ShortLocaleConverter
          localized short converter

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