Uses of Interface

Packages that use Formatter
nl.openedge.baritus The main classes of Baritus.  
nl.openedge.baritus.converters Converters that are used for population.  

Uses of Formatter in nl.openedge.baritus

Methods in nl.openedge.baritus that return Formatter
 Formatter ConverterRegistry.lookup(java.lang.String key)
          lookup a globally registered formatter
 Formatter ConverterRegistry.lookup(java.lang.String key, java.util.Locale locale)
          Look up and return any registered Formatter for the specified destination key and locale; if there is no registered Formatter, return null.
 Formatter FormBeanContext.getFormatter(java.lang.String formatterName, java.lang.String pattern, java.lang.Class clazz, java.util.Locale locale)
          Get the formatter for the given fieldname/ class/ locale. 1. look in the ConverterRegistry if a formatter was stored with the formatterName and optionally locale as key. 2. if not found, look in the ConverterRegistry if a formatter was stored with the pattern and optionally the locale as key. 3. if not found, look in the ConverterRegistry if a Converter was stored for the type of the property that implements Formatter (as well as Converter).

Methods in nl.openedge.baritus with parameters of type Formatter
 void ConverterRegistry.register(Formatter formatter, java.lang.String key)
          register a global formatter with the given key

Uses of Formatter in nl.openedge.baritus.converters

Subinterfaces of Formatter in nl.openedge.baritus.converters
 interface LocaleFormatter
          Formatter that uses a locale.

Classes in nl.openedge.baritus.converters that implement Formatter
 class BaseLocaleConverter
          base class for localized converters
 class ByteLocaleConverter
          localized byte converter
 class DateLocaleConverter
          Standard LocaleConverter implementation that converts an incoming locale-sensitive String into a java.util.Date object, optionally using a default value or throwing a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
 class DecimalLocaleConverter
          Modified LocaleConverter implementation for this framework
 class DoubleLocaleConverter
          locale aware converter for doubles
 class FloatLocaleConverter
          localized float converter
 class LongLocaleConverter
          localized long converter
 class ShortLocaleConverter
          localized short converter

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