31 package nl.openedge.baritus;
33 import java.io.Serializable;
34 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
36 /***
37 * Each instance of FormBeanBase keeps an instance of ExecutionParams.
38 * ExecutionParams are used to influence the execution of population,
39 * validation and the general execution of FormBeanBase.
40 *
41 * If you want to override the defaults, you can override method init in your
42 * controller, using getExecutionParams() to get the reference to the
43 * execution params that will be used for the instance of your controller.
44 *
45 * For more finegrained (per request) control, another option is to override
46 * method getExecutionParams() itself. This method will be called each request
47 * and by default just returns the instance variable. You can vary
48 * the processing by returning a new instance of ExecutionParams
49 * (be carefull NOT to just change values in the instance variable, as this is
50 * shared by all clients), with its properties set for that request.
51 *
52 * @author Eelco Hillenius
53 */
54 public final class ExecutionParams implements Serializable, Cloneable
55 {
57 /*** if true, the no cache headers will be set */
58 private boolean noCache = true;
60 /***
61 * If we get an empty string, should it be translated to a null (true) or should
62 * the empty String be kept (false). This property is true by default
63 */
64 private boolean setNullForEmptyString = true;
66 /***
67 * Indicates whether the configuration parameters of the controller
68 * should be used for the population process.
69 * This property is false by default.
70 *
71 * The order in which parameters/ attributes are used for population:
72 * 1. controller parameters (if includeControllerParameters == true)
73 * 2. session attributes (if includeSessionAttributes == true)
74 * 3. request parameters
75 * 4. request attributes (if includeRequestAttributes == true)
76 *
77 * A map with parameters for the population process is filled in the above order, which
78 * means that every step can overwrite it's predecessor.
79 *
80 */
81 private boolean includeControllerParameters = false;
83 /***
84 * Indicates whether the session attributes of the current session
85 * should be used for the population process.
86 * This property is false by default.
87 *
88 * The order in which parameters/ attributes are used for population:
89 * 1. controller parameters (if includeControllerParameters == true)
90 * 2. session attributes (if includeSessionAttributes == true)
91 * 3. request parameters
92 * 4. request attributes (if includeRequestAttributes == true)
93 *
94 * A map with parameters for the population process is filled in the above order, which
95 * means that every step can overwrite it's predecessor.
96 *
97 */
98 private boolean includeSessionAttributes = false;
100 /***
101 * Indicates whether the attributes of the current request
102 * should be used for the population process.
103 * This property is false by default.
104 *
105 * The order in which parameters/ attributes are used for population:
106 * 1. controller parameters (if includeControllerParameters == true)
107 * 2. session attributes (if includeSessionAttributes == true)
108 * 3. request parameters
109 * 4. request attributes (if includeRequestAttributes == true)
110 *
111 * A map with parameters for the population process is filled in the above order, which
112 * means that every step can overwrite it's predecessor.
113 *
114 */
115 private boolean includeRequestAttributes = false;
117 /***
118 * Indicates whether the form validators should be executed when one of the
119 * field validators failed. Default == true
120 */
121 private boolean doFormValidationIfFieldValidationFailed = true;
123 /***
124 * Indicates whether the perform method of the control should be executed,
125 * even if population/ validation failed.
126 * Use this only in very special cases; extended usage will
127 * probably result in messy code.
128 * Default == false
129 */
130 private boolean doPerformIfPopulationFailed = false;
132 /***
133 * Indicates whether the form bean context should be reused for multiple invocations
134 * within the same request.
135 * Default is true.
136 */
137 private boolean reuseFormBeanContext = true;
139 /***
140 * If population or validation fails and this property is true,
141 * all request parameters will be saved as override values. This
142 * will give you at least the full request the client sent, and
143 * guards you for the situation where properties that normally
144 * would be loaded in the command method are not set because
145 * of the population/ validation failure.
146 * Default is true.
147 */
148 private boolean saveReqParamsAsOverrideFieldsOnError = true;
150 /***
151 * When an unexpected error occurs, should that be interpreted as a failure,
152 * or should it just be ignored. E.g. If you have request parameter
153 * not-a-valid-property, Ognl will throw exception 'ognl.InappropriateExpressionException'
154 * In strict mode, this will have the effect that the population process is
155 * marked as failed. If not in strict mode, the exception will be ignored.
156 */
157 private boolean strictPopulationMode = true;
159 /***
160 * Whether string input values should be trimmed before conversion.
161 * Note that the actual trimming depends on the used populator, so
162 * setting this parameter does not garantee trimming for all parameters.
163 */
164 private boolean trimStringInputValues = true;
167 /***
168 * flag whether Baritus should try to populate the form bean.
169 * Setting this flag to false, and thus letting Baritus skip
170 * population and validation can be usefull when you link commands
171 * within the same request and want to reuse the allready populated
172 * form bean without doing population and validation as well.<br>
173 * <strong>BEWARE</strong> that this is also skips population of request attributes
174 * etc. that were set by the controllers earlier in the command stack.<br>
175 * <strong>ALSO</strong> note that if this flag is false, Baritus will consider
176 * population to be succesfull, even though the population of the
177 * prior control might not have been.
178 */
179 private boolean populateAndValidate = true;
181 /***
182 * if true, the no cache headers will be set
183 * @return boolean
184 */
185 public boolean isNoCache()
186 {
187 return noCache;
188 }
190 /***
191 * if true, the no cache headers will be set
192 * @param noCache
193 */
194 public void setNoCache(boolean noCache)
195 {
196 this.noCache = noCache;
197 }
199 /***
200 * If we get an empty string it should be translated to a null (true) or to
201 * an empty String false. This property is true by default
202 * @return boolean
203 */
204 public boolean isSetNullForEmptyString()
205 {
206 return setNullForEmptyString;
207 }
209 /***
210 * If we get an empty string it should be translated to a null (true) or to
211 * an empty String false. This property is true by default
212 * @param b
213 */
214 public void setSetNullForEmptyString(boolean b)
215 {
216 setNullForEmptyString = b;
217 }
219 /***
220 * include controller parameters in the population process
221 *
222 * The order in which parameters/ attributes are used for population:
223 * 1. controller parameters (if includeControllerParameters == true)
224 * 2. session attributes (if includeSessionAttributes == true)
225 * 3. request parameters
226 * 4. request attributes (if includeRequestAttributes == true)
227 *
228 * @return boolean include controller parameters in the population process
229 */
230 public boolean isIncludeControllerParameters()
231 {
232 return includeControllerParameters;
233 }
235 /***
236 * set whether to include controller parameters in the population process
237 *
238 * The order in which parameters/ attributes are used for population:
239 * 1. controller parameters (if includeControllerParameters == true)
240 * 2. session attributes (if includeSessionAttributes == true)
241 * 3. request parameters
242 * 4. request attributes (if includeRequestAttributes == true)
243 *
244 * @param b set whether to include controller parameters in the population process
245 */
246 public void setIncludeControllerParameters(boolean b)
247 {
248 includeControllerParameters = b;
249 }
251 /***
252 * include session attributes in the population process
253 *
254 * The order in which parameters/ attributes are used for population:
255 * 1. controller parameters (if includeControllerParameters == true)
256 * 2. session attributes (if includeSessionAttributes == true)
257 * 3. request parameters
258 * 4. request attributes (if includeRequestAttributes == true)
259 *
260 * @return boolean include controller parameters in the population process
261 */
262 public boolean isIncludeSessionAttributes()
263 {
264 return includeSessionAttributes;
265 }
267 /***
268 * set whether to include session attributes in the population process
269 *
270 * The order in which parameters/ attributes are used for population:
271 * 1. controller parameters (if includeControllerParameters == true)
272 * 2. session attributes (if includeSessionAttributes == true)
273 * 3. request parameters
274 * 4. request attributes (if includeRequestAttributes == true)
275 *
276 * @param b set whether to include session attributes in the population process
277 */
278 public void setIncludeSessionAttributes(boolean b)
279 {
280 includeSessionAttributes = b;
281 }
283 /***
284 * include request attributes in the population process
285 *
286 * The order in which parameters/ attributes are used for population:
287 * 1. controller parameters (if includeControllerParameters == true)
288 * 2. session attributes (if includeSessionAttributes == true)
289 * 3. request parameters
290 * 4. request attributes (if includeRequestAttributes == true)
291 *
292 * @return boolean include request parameters in the population process
293 */
294 public boolean isIncludeRequestAttributes()
295 {
296 return includeRequestAttributes;
297 }
299 /***
300 * set whether to include request attributes in the population process
301 *
302 * The order in which parameters/ attributes are used for population:
303 * 1. controller parameters (if includeControllerParameters == true)
304 * 2. session attributes (if includeSessionAttributes == true)
305 * 3. request parameters
306 * 4. request attributes (if includeRequestAttributes == true)
307 *
308 * @param b set whether to include request attributes in the population process
309 */
310 public void setIncludeRequestAttributes(boolean b)
311 {
312 includeRequestAttributes = b;
313 }
315 /***
316 * Indicates whether the form validators should be executed when one of the
317 * field validators failed. Default == true.
318 *
319 * @return boolean Whether the form validators should be executed when one of the
320 * field validators failed.
321 */
322 public boolean isDoFormValidationIfFieldValidationFailed()
323 {
324 return doFormValidationIfFieldValidationFailed;
325 }
327 /***
328 * Indicates whether the form validators should be executed when one of the
329 * field validators failed. Default == true.
330 *
331 * @param b whether the form validators should be executed when one of the
332 * field validators failed.
333 */
334 public void setDoFormValidationIfFieldValidationFailed(boolean b)
335 {
336 doFormValidationIfFieldValidationFailed = b;
337 }
339 /***
340 * Whether the perform method of the control should be executed, even if the population/
341 * validation failed. Use this only in very special cases; extended usage will
342 * probably result in messy code. Default == false.
343 *
344 * @return boolean whether the perform method of the control should be executed, even if the population/
345 * validation failed.
346 */
347 public boolean isDoPerformIfPopulationFailed()
348 {
349 return doPerformIfPopulationFailed;
350 }
352 /***
353 * Whether the perform method of the control should be executed, even if the population/
354 * validation failed. Use this only in very special cases; extended usage will
355 * probably result in messy code. Default == false.
356 *
357 * @param b whether the perform method of the control should be executed, even if the population/
358 * validation failed.
359 */
360 public void setDoPerformIfPopulationFailed(boolean b)
361 {
362 doPerformIfPopulationFailed = b;
363 }
365 /***
366 * Whether to reuse the context for multiple invocations within the same request.
367 * Default is true.
368 * @return reuse the context for multiple invocations within the same request
369 */
370 public boolean isReuseFormBeanContext()
371 {
372 return reuseFormBeanContext;
373 }
375 /***
376 * Set whether to reuse the context for multiple invocations within the same request.
377 * Default is true.
378 * @param b reuse the context for multiple invocations within the same request
379 */
380 public void setReuseFormBeanContext(boolean b)
381 {
382 reuseFormBeanContext = b;
383 }
385 /***
386 * Gets whether all request parameters should be saved as override
387 * values when population or validation fails.
388 * If population or validation failes and this property is true,
389 * all request parameters will be saved as override values. This
390 * will give you at least the full request the client sent, and
391 * guards you for the situation where properties that normally
392 * would be loaded in the command method are not set because
393 * of the population/ validation failure.
394 * Default is true.
396 * @return boolean wheter all request parameters should be saved as override
397 * values when population or validation fails.
398 */
399 public boolean isSaveReqParamsAsOverrideFieldsOnError()
400 {
401 return saveReqParamsAsOverrideFieldsOnError;
402 }
404 /***
405 * Sets whether all request parameters should be saved as override
406 * values when population or validation fails.
407 * If population or validation failes and this property is true,
408 * all request parameters will be saved as override values. This
409 * will give you at least the full request the client sent, and
410 * guards you for the situation where properties that normally
411 * would be loaded in the command method are not set because
412 * of the population/ validation failure.
413 * Default is true.
415 * @param b
416 */
417 public void setSaveReqParamsAsOverrideFieldsOnError(boolean b)
418 {
419 saveReqParamsAsOverrideFieldsOnError = b;
420 }
422 /***
423 * When an unexpected error occurs, should that be interpreted as a failure,
424 * or should it just be ignored. E.g. If you have request parameter
425 * not-a-valid-property, Ognl will throw exception 'ognl.InappropriateExpressionException'
426 * In strict mode, this will have the effect that the population process is
427 * marked as failed. If not in strict mode, the exception will be ignored.
428 *
429 * @return boolean whether the population mode is strict
430 */
431 public boolean isStrictPopulationMode()
432 {
433 return strictPopulationMode;
434 }
436 /***
437 * When an unexpected error occurs, should that be interpreted as a failure,
438 * or should it just be ignored. E.g. If you have request parameter
439 * not-a-valid-property, Ognl will throw exception 'ognl.InappropriateExpressionException'
440 * In strict mode, this will have the effect that the population process is
441 * marked as failed. If not in strict mode, the exception will be ignored.
442 *
443 * @param b whether the population mode is strict
444 */
445 public void setStrictPopulationMode(boolean b)
446 {
447 strictPopulationMode = b;
448 }
450 /***
451 * Get whether string input values should be trimmed before conversion.
452 * True by default.
453 * @return boolean hhether string input values should be trimmed before conversion.
454 */
455 public boolean isTrimStringInputValues()
456 {
457 return trimStringInputValues;
458 }
460 /***
461 * Set whether string input values should be trimmed before conversion.
462 * @param b Whether string input values should be trimmed before conversion.
463 */
464 public void setTrimStringInputValues(boolean b)
465 {
466 trimStringInputValues = b;
467 }
469 /***
470 * Get flag whether Baritus should try to populate the form bean.
471 * Setting this flag to false, and thus letting Baritus skip
472 * population and validation can be usefull when you link commands
473 * within the same request and want to reuse the allready populated
474 * form bean without doing population and validation as well.<br>
475 * <strong>BEWARE</strong> that this is also skips population of request attributes
476 * etc. that were set by the controllers earlier in the command stack.<br>
477 * <strong>ALSO</strong> note that if this flag is false, Baritus will consider
478 * population to be succesfull, even though the population of the
479 * prior control might not have been.
480 *
481 * @return boolean whether Baritus should try to populate the form bean.
482 */
483 public boolean isPopulateAndValidate()
484 {
485 return populateAndValidate;
486 }
488 /***
489 * Set flag whether Baritus should try to populate the form bean.
490 * Setting this flag to false, and thus letting Baritus skip
491 * population and validation can be usefull when you link commands
492 * within the same request and want to reuse the allready populated
493 * form bean without doing population and validation as well.<br>
494 * <strong>BEWARE</strong> that this is also skips population of request attributes
495 * etc. that were set by the controllers earlier in the command stack.<br>
496 * <strong>ALSO</strong> note that if this flag is false, Baritus will consider
497 * population to be succesfull, even though the population of the
498 * prior control might not have been.
499 *
500 * @param populateAndValidate whether Baritus should try to populate the form bean.
501 */
502 public void setPopulateAndValidate(boolean populateAndValidate)
503 {
504 this.populateAndValidate = populateAndValidate;
505 }
507 /***
508 * Clone this object.
509 * @return Object deep copy
510 * @see java.lang.Object#clone()
511 */
512 public Object clone()
513 {
514 try
515 {
516 return super.clone();
517 }
518 catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
519 {
520 throw new RuntimeException(e);
521 }
522 }
524 /***
525 * String rep.
526 * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
527 */
528 public String toString()
529 {
530 StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(super.toString());
531 b.append(" {");
532 try
533 {
534 Class clz = getClass();
535 Field[] fields = clz.getDeclaredFields();
536 int length = fields.length;
537 for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
538 {
539 b.append(fields[i].getName())
540 .append("=")
541 .append(fields[i].get(this));
542 if((i+1) < length)
543 {
544 b.append(",");
545 }
546 }
547 }
548 catch(Exception e)
549 {
550 e.printStackTrace();
551 b.append(e.getMessage());
552 }
553 b.append("}");
554 return b.toString();
555 }
557 }